Hello MediaReDEFined newsletter subscribers!
I'm excited to tell you that we have recently moved the newsletter to a new platform.
I made this move in order to give us new tools that will improve the overall quality for subscribers.
Starting last week, you should have seen mail coming from [email protected] or [email protected]
We've had a few reports that delivery has been going into SPAM or being blocked by some e-mail security filters.
To ensure that you keep getting your newsletters delivered to your inbox, please take a minute to add the domains:
- mediaredefined.com
- redefgroup.com
and the e-mail addresses:
to your safe sender list.
If you don't see the newsletter in a day or two, please check your spam or junk folder and if you find it there, mark it as safe or "not spam" and add to safe senders.
If you don't find it at all, you can reach out to your company's email administrator or IT department and make sure it's not getting blocked by them by forwarding this message and instructions.
This message is being sent from old servers just in case. Should be the last of it's kind.
Thank you for your support and we are excited about the changes we are making to Media ReDEFined in the coming days, weeks and months.
- Jason Hirschhorn